Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter, Will It Ever Happen?

When I was a kid, I was a Mortal Kombat fan and still am right now actually. You probably wonder how a "kid" can be a "Mortal Kombat" fan. Well, here in Indonesia, the Censorship Committee doesn't actually look over video games because they're too busy censoring what's on TV and movies (while leaving behind some mild porn in it and gives PG 13 rating), so even 5 years old kids can play Mortal Kombat freely.

Back to the topic, back then there were only two fighting games that matter, Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. At school, we would argue which one was best and of course I chose Mortal Kombat. I told them that Sub-Zero can easily defeat Ryu and rip his spinal cord from his body as easy as flipping a coin. Then we would all fantasize about a video game that would actually make this battle into reality: Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat.

 Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat were the only fighting games that matters in the 90's-early 2000

But you see, a kid's dream always shatters at some point. In this case, Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat never happened. Then come along King of Fighters '94 that saw fighters from Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting going at it. I thought that such game could actually make Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat into reality. But well, I got disappointed as years go by. Street Fighter just went head to head with everybody else but Mortal Kombat. You name it, X-Men, Marvel Super Heroes, SNK and even Tekken but no Mortal Kombat.

This has never happened. Or will it actually happen someday?
I actually gave up on Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat. I thought to myself "Yeah, Street Fighter is too scared to go against Mortal Kombat" while also thinking "Mortal Kombat isn't as popular as before so people actually forgot about it". There's no deny that Mortal Kombat has met its downfall since Mortal Kombat 4. Comparing to other fighting games titles, Mortal Kombat doesn't sell too well nowadays. Maybe only few hardcore fans like me buys Mortal Kombat games.

But then a shed of light finally came for me and all others who had dreamed about Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat. Last year, Ed Boon, one of the creators of Mortal Kombat tweeted that a crossover between Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat is "INEVITABLE!" He even said to quote his tweet so the world can see that he REALLY MEANS IT! Here's the tweet below:

Will it happen soon? Well, only time will tell. It's now up to Capcom and Yoshinori Ono as Street Fighter's director to respond to the challenge. If Capcom and Ono decides to turn it down, then my thought that "Street Fighter is too scared to go against Mortal Kombat" is proven right.

So, Capcom and Ono. What's YOUR answer to Boon's challenge?

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