Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rumour: Next Assassin's Creed in Feudal Japan?

The Assassin's Creed franchise has brought gamers around the world and through different times in history. Starting from Ancinet Damascus, Renaissance Era Italy, Colonial Era America and last the Golden Age of Pirates in the Caribbeans. Now get ready to get more amazed as the next Assassin's Creed will take place in Feudal Japan!

Well, it hasn't been confirmed yet. But from my years of experience in the gaming industry, rumors in the gaming industry will some day be facts. So where did this rumor come from? Well, it came out from the lips of none other than Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's creative director, Jean Guesdon. In an interview with VG247, Guesdon gave somewhat a hint that Ubisoft has been thinking and is still considering to use the Feudal Japan Era as a background story for Assassin's Creed. Even though it might seem "impossible", but Guesdon explained that the Animus technology found in the franchise allows Ubisoft to "make the entire human history as its playground" for the assassins.

As I said, this FOR NOW is just a rumor. Ubisoft hasn't made any confirmations yet concerning this rumor. So for now, let's just say it's just a rumor. But then again, using Feudal Japan as a background story sounds fascinating enough.

(note: the pictures above are not official concept arts. I just found some fan arts in the net that I find very creative)


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