Saturday, February 1, 2014

Final Fantasy's "FIXED" Dating Sucks!

When you played the Final Fantasy series, have you ever wanted to "date" someone else besides the main female character? Do you really want to date a "good girl" like Aerith than some hot tomboyish chick like Tifa? Or maybe falling in love with a "very plain" girl like Yuna rather than a cheerful hot cute blonde like Rikku? Well, it happens to me.

Honestly, I never liked most main female characters in Final Fantasy. Well, maybe Lightning, but that's another story. Before I never really noticed this plot, but starting Final Fantasy VIII (yeah, the one with the most beautiful women in it), I started to wonder "Why should I like Rinoa? A pampered general's daughter who talks shit all the time and mostly useless in battle? Why can't I have a 'forbidden' relationship with my hot blonde teacher Quistis or with that chick from the other class that looks more fun to hang around with Selphie?" But no, you gotta stick with that bitch Rinoa! (Sorry, to all Rinoa's fans, no hard feelings)

Honestly, You'd rather chose that boring girl than your hot teacher or the chick from the other class?

What's the point of having lots of girls around you who (mostly) like you too if you can't choose who you want be with? Well, of course the first reason is to attract more male gamers. With more chicks in it, guys would be more interested in it. That gimmick really works actually, at least for me. But then again, I was really hoping that I can chose who I want to fall in love with but no way! You gotta stick with that "boring girl" all the time.

"The other girls" look more interesting, aren't they?

I'm not saying that Final Fantasy is the only game that does this. But in most other games, the chick that you fall in love with really makes you want to fall in love with her. Come on, Aerith? Rinoa? To make it worst, they only give you a "Rinoa-based super deformed copy" Garnet in Final Fantasy IX. Yuna, really? Ashe,  yeah OK but that chick from next door Penelo seems more fun to hang around with!

You'd really chose Yuna than Rikku in real life? Come on! Be honest!

I think Square Enix should consider making "chose your love interest" a feature in the game. I was really happy when this feature was implemented in Mass Effect series and I think it can succeed if Final Fantasy also implements this feature.

Don't you agree?

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