Thursday, January 16, 2014

DreadOut-Indonesian Horror Game Set To Debut On Steam

Well, news about this game is somewhat "old news" but since this blog is new and I just want to write about, so bear with me.

Introducing DreadOut, an Indonesian horror game developed by local developer Digital Happiness. As an Indonesian, I'm somewhat proud of this game. Although the idea is not an original one, but this game has set a new level of game development in Indonesia's growing game industry.

DreadOut, like most games today, started out as a crowdfunding project via Indiegogo. It was also put up on Steam Greenlight. It received good reactions and succeeded in both campaigns in Indiegogo and Steam Greenlight.

DreadOut tells the story of Linda Melinda, a high school student who's stranded in a strange world, somewhat like Silent Hill. In this strange world, Linda must find her way back to the real world while at the same time look for her friends (again, somewhat like Silent Hill). But her journey is not an easy one as she encounters ghosts throughout the way. Her only weapon is her smartphone, the "IrisPhone" in which she uses the camera feature to repel the ghosts blocking her way and yes, this sounds like Fatal Frame.

As I said, the idea of this game is not original, but the background of the story is what fascinates me. Ever seen an Indonesian classic horror movie? Well, it's creepy as hell. Believe me, Indonesians are really good at making horror movies and you can say that it's actually dominating the local movie industry. Although nowadays, Indonesian horror movies goes more to porn movies.

Back to the game, I really like the main character Linda. I don't know why but I've got the hots for girls in ponytails. Now, add that with a high school uniform and in this game, is an Indonesian uniform, which in my point of view is very simple yet sexy. OK, yeah I'm a pervert.

As I said, the gameplay itself is not original, but DreadOut really stands out for its "surprising" moments with a really creepy atmosphere. Just in case, you're not getting the idea yet, take a look at this video review of the DreadOut demo, made by PewDiePie.

Now, if you thought just for one second that I'd do a review like that, I will eventually. But I'm still waiting for the full game to come out and I don't know when that's gonna happen. Hell, even the game devs don't know when this game will come. But one thing for sure, this game will be released for all home computer operating systems (PC, Mac, Linux) and it will be distributed via Steam too if you prefer digital copies.

If you want to try out the demo version of DreadOut, you can download it from the links below:




Make sure you check out the official site too for more information about the game and its development progress

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