Monday, April 28, 2014

A Live-Action Movie Treatment Of DreadOut Coming Soon

Maybe you guys are bored about DreadOut, but I just couldn't resist after I found something interesting on Youtube the other day. The upcoming Indonesian horror game may have a live action movie coming up soon!

The good people from The Imaginarium Pictures, a photography and movie community from Thailand recently released a teaser trailer of a fan made live-action movie project inspired by DreadOut. You can check it out below.

I'm amazed that these Thai girls can grab a hold of Indonesian high school uniforms. Did they made it by themselves or bought while having a vacation in Indonesia, I have no idea. But one thing for sure, this teaser trailer is somewhat promising. It'll be really cool if this live action movie can be released by the time DreadOut releases on Steam in upcoming May 2014.

In this live action project, Dhanicha Jangkaset will take the shoes of Linda Melinda, the protagonist of the DreadOut, while Amporn Pansakdee will play as Linda's best friend, Ira who becomes creepy in the events of this game.

DreadOut will be released in May 2014, with no definitive date as of yet and it will be released on Steam for PC, Mac and Linux.

picture credits: The Imaginarium Pictures Facebook
video credits: The Imaginarium Pictures Youtube Channel, Ellie Elizabeth Youtube Channel

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