Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Indonesian Government Finally Taking e-Sports Seriously By Holding Centralized Training

The Indonesian government is finally recognizing e-Sports as a potential sector in making it an "official sports branch". Through the Indonesian e-Sports Association (IeSPA), the government has announced to hold a nationwide centralized training for this new sports branch.

Indonesia's e-Sports athletes are already recognized worldwide as competitive athletes. Indonesia has proven so many times times that their e-Sports athletes are not to be taken lightly. With such prestiges including second place winner in Electronic Sports World Championship (ESWC) for the game Tekken 6, and World Champion in Point Blank International Championship (PBIC), certainly, Indonesia's e-Sports athletes have great potentials.

IeSPA, the official e-Sports association under Indonesia's Ministry of Sports and Youth, recently announced that it will hold a centralized training in order to train e-Sports athletes that will compete under Indonesia's name in international events. Mr. Eddy Lim, Chairman of IeSPA stated that Indonesia has lots of potential gamers, ones who has what it takes to go up against the best in the world like South Korea and the US. Mr. Lim believes that by facilitating them with this centralized training, it wouldn't be a surprise if Indonesia can produce the best e-Sports athletes in the world and be the best in international e-Sports events.

For starters, IeSPA has chosen DOTA 2 to be the first official e-Sports game to have a centralized training. With this, all DOTA 2 players are recognized as "national athletes" from now on. IeSPA ensures that there will be more games to be added in the future.

Source: IeSPA, Game8 Indonesia
picture source: Game8 Indonesia

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