Monday, May 19, 2014

DreadOut- Act 1 Review

After a couple of years in the waiting, DreadOut has finally been released on May 15 2014. I promised to make a video review about it, but somehow I couldn't record my gameplay even using the right applications. But oh well, I'm gonna do a review of it anyways with screenshots from the game, a lot of them.

DreadOut-Act 1 was released a few days ago on Steam and currently only for PC running in 64-bit operating sysems. When I first read the system requirements, I was shocked. Simply because of the 64-bit OS. I don't know many games that requires a strict use of 64-bit, but that sure shocked me. Luckily, my gaming rig has three OS, which includes a 64-bit Windows 7 OS, so I got no problem.

DreadOut's System Requirements

So, the game itself, as we all know tells the story of Linda Melinda, her friends and teacher (who's hot, by the way...) who got stranded in a deserted town. Due to her GPS giving the wrong directions, the hot teacher Miss Siska took her students to a weird, deserted town of Tirta Biru (and that's why you never believe your GPS, just follow your instincts). After looking around, they finally found a building that used to be a school.

 "Shelly and Miss Siska posing after getting lost". This will definitely be on Linda's Instagram.

 How come only Linda has a school bag? Does anyone else care about school?

Creepy old school building. The best place for a horror story

While exploring the school, something funny happened to Ira, Linda's childhood friend and suddenly, Linda ends up all alone in this school with weird things happening along the way. With her trusty smartphone, the IrisPhone. Linda sets on a journey she'll never forget.

If only Linda knew that her best friend Ira would turn into a freak anytime soon...

What did I tell you? Ira with her demon eyes!

This is exactly the instruction of what not to do... 

 As you roam around, you'll get some items, like this poster. I'll have a Jenglot for myself please!

What I liked about this game was the ambience that creates a really creepy feeling and sends shivers down your spines. The graphics of this game may not be top knotch, but it fits the game somehow. I mean, you don't wanna see a creepy ghost in Mega HD resolution (approx 8000p), right? But I gotta a give major credits to the sound department in this game. Like I said, it really creates a creepy ambience.

 This ghost is creepy enough in this quality. Imagine it in Mega HD...

The gameplay, well as I've already went over in all my previous posts about DreadOut, is similar if not exactly the same as the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series. You go exploring the place, in this case a school, get some clues on what the hell is happening, repel ghosts with your trusty IrisPhone. Sounds easy, but when you encounter a ghost and creepy sounds plays with sounds of your heartbeat racing which makes you tense, panicked and scared, it ain't easy as it sounds.

The IrisPhone let's you reveal things that you can't see with your naked eye!

This ghost is posing for the camera before getting repelled. Definitely going to Instagram...

Sadly enough, this game is way too short. I finished it in over 2 hours, including useless roaming, taking useless pictures, reading the Ghostpedia (basicly, a glossary of ghosts that you've encountered so far) and stuff. But still, I had a great time (and almost pissed my pants) while playing DreadOut-Act 1.

The Lady in Red is back... and she's got a cockroach on her face!

My conclusion, DreadOut really met everyone's expectations, at least my own. Digital Happiness did a great job so far for this game. Even so, the PC specifications seems just too high for a game with this kind of quality. But I'm not the type of gamer who really cares about graphics as long as the gameplay and/or the story is fun. Remember Flappy Birds?

So, here's my personal verdict for DreadOut-Act 1:

Story: 8.0 (Not too original. We've seen this kind of story before, but still a good horror story even if it's too conventional)

Concept: 8.5 (I liked the background that they used, Indonesia. Not because I'm Indonesian, but because it gives a change than the occasional sceneries that we get from these kind of games, the U.S, Japan and now you get a Southeast Asia feel)

Gameplay: 8.5 (Not original either, but I enjoyed the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series, so I enjoyed playing this game. The environments in this game makes the creepy feeling very going)

Graphics: 7.5 (For this period of time, the graphics of this game seems kind of "old". But then again, who would want to see ugly ghosts in HD anyways?)

Sound: 9.0 (The sound department in this game really brings the creepy feeling that this game needs. It kept me feeling uncomfortable playing this game even when I was playing on broad day light. I don't dare play this game at night)

Overall: 8.9 (I enjoyed it, but it was too short. If it was at least three times longer, I'd give a score above 9)

Well, DreadOut-Act 1 was a lot of fun. But like I said, it was too short. Digital Happiness, the developers of this game promised that Act 2 will be a free update. But sadly, we don't know when Act 2 gets released. I hope anytime soon.

 Have to wait for Act 2 to know how the story continues

And a glimpse of Act 2!

Picture source: My own gameplay. Please do take it with credits if you want to use them.
Misc: DreadOut is a registered trademark of PT. Digital Semantika Indonesia

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