Saturday, December 28, 2013


Hello, I'm Strike... I'm a (former) game reporter, sound engineer, cosplayer, dancer, musician, athlete, otaku, pervert (what?) and so on... But the only thing that I've been and will always be is a FULL TIME GAMER!

In my years working in the game industry, I find it so hard for me to express myself about how good or bad a game is. Pressure from the people inside the industry forces me to look at games "the way they want". So, through this blog I hope that I can be more expressive.

But as I said earlier, I'm so much more than just video games. I like comics, manga, cartoons, anime, tokusatsu, music, sports, cosplay and whatever. So this blog WILL NOT only talk about video games but also the things that I like. Again, as I said, I'm an otaku and I'm not afraid to admit it. Go ahead and judge me cuz I dont' even give a damn. The fact that you're reading my blog is because you like the things that I talk about in this blog, right?

OK, so welcome to this blog and I hope you'll enjoy your stay here!


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