Sunday, February 23, 2014

AKB48 Goes "Zombie" in Sailor Zombie~AKB48 Edition

First, if you don't know what the hell is AKB48, then this might not interest you at all. But if you are a fan of this Japanese idol group or just like them or even just ever heard about them and you also like zombies, then you may proceed reading this post.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What's The Big Deal With Flappy Bird?

First of all, don't get me wrong about the reason why I'm writing about this recently popular game. I'm not trying to be "in trend" just because Flappy Bird has become highly popular recently, nor I'm making fun of this game. If you're down with that, then let's get down to business.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Final Fantasy's "FIXED" Dating Sucks!

When you played the Final Fantasy series, have you ever wanted to "date" someone else besides the main female character? Do you really want to date a "good girl" like Aerith than some hot tomboyish chick like Tifa? Or maybe falling in love with a "very plain" girl like Yuna rather than a cheerful hot cute blonde like Rikku? Well, it happens to me.